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Contract broaching
Small & medium series with your broaching tools
Contract broaching
Small & medium series with your broaching tools
Contract broaching
Small & medium series with your broaching tools

Contract Broaching

we broach for you in small & medium series

Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH offers contract broaching for all broaching technologies:

  • Soft broaching
  • Hard broaching
  • Twist broaching
  • Dry broaching

A wide range of broaching machines are available for this purpose. Contract broaching can be offered up to a broaching force of 2,000 kN and a broaching tool length of max. 4,000 mm.

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Reference parts (selection)

Sharpening and maintenance

Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH offers comprehensive services for sharpening and repairing all types of broaching tools.

The company has a wide range of state-of-the-art CNC sharpening machines to carry out this service efficiently and precisely. Sharpening and reconditioning broaching tool types extends their service life, improves performance and ensures consistent quality.

Customers benefit from the opportunity to have their tools professionally maintained and repaired, which ultimately leads to higher productivity and cost efficiency.

Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH attaches great importance to quality, reliability and customized solutions for its customers. The company ensures that sharpening and repair services are carried out with the utmost care and precision to meet customer requirements and expectations. With its comprehensive range of services and commitment to the highest quality standards, Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH is a reliable partner for companies in the tool industry.